A Scorecard on the Biden-Harris Administration’s First Year

The FFP Collaborative carries forward the work started by Collaborative staff and their colleagues during their time at the International Center for Research on Women.

The Biden-Harris administration took office in the wake of a number of reversals of women’s rights, human rights and gender equality efforts by the U.S. government, promising to “build back better.” 2021-2022 has also been a time of global reflection on the status of women and girls around the world.

In this context, The Coalition for Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States has released a scorecard to track U.S. progress toward promoting gender equality at home and abroad. This 1-Year scorecard, following the initial 100-day scorecard, documents the progress made by the Biden-Harris administration across four areas as measured against the executive actions called for in A Feminist Foreign Policy for the United States: A Memo to the Next Administration (the Memo) and the Coalition’s signature policy paper, Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States. It also includes an overview of what is left to be done, as well as additional, relevant actions taken by the administration that were not included in the Coalition’s recommendations but merit mention and credit in this context.